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Dable Advertising API Guideline
Please see http://sp-api.dable.io/docs/en/ for details.
When the user see the AD,
Dable Native AD must not be clicked by mistake. In order to prevent unintentional click, you are required to insert enough space between clickable area, and each section needs to be outlined clearly.
1. you shall help the user recognize that they are seeing AD, and the clickable area shall be limited to text and image.
The lower your traffic quality is, the lower your payout per click will be, hence your overall revenue will decrease. When it is too low, all ad serving will be paused.
2. AD mark should be added on upper left side.
You can use ‘광고’ in Korean depending on your app’s UI. For text only AD mark, it shall be coloured in red.
3. Copy and mark below shall be addded on upper right side. (If your inventory is not big enough, it is omittable.)
– Sponsored Links by Dable
– Sponsored by Dable
– ADs by Dable
4. When the user clicks the mark, it shall redirect to dable.io/advertising_new.

AD request example on Android
http://sp-api.dable.io/services/dable.io /users/96bd03b6-defc-4203-83d3-dc1c730801f7 /multi?public_key=539867ab795975a589f7557f7579e6a &uid_type=ADID&size=3&channel=main&nolog=1
1. Please check your dashboard (https://admin.dable.io/-/settings) to see service_name and public_key.
2. For Android, you shall fill in ADID for uid_type, and unique ADID for uid. For iOS, you shall fill in IDFA for uid_type, and unique IDFA for uid.
3. If you want to see your performance sorted by each inventory, please append the name of each inventory. (for example, two different name can be allotted to two different inventory; ‘main’ for main banner and ‘bottom’ for bottom banner.)
4. When you send AD request for testing purpose, please append nolog=1 at the end of URL to prevent it from being flagged as fraud. When the AD goes live, you should remove nolog=1.
5. For other optional macros, please see http://sp-api.dable.io/docs/
Thumbnail resizing
pixel_ratio=1 will have thumbanil resized accordingly. Please request thumbnail properly depending on your App’s UI.
1 : 200px
2 : 400px
3 : 600px
When the user sees AD
After AD request, the user will see the AD. Then you shall send us HTTP call for exposelog_link in json response.
When the user clicks AD
Please send us the link for user in json response.
1. API request must not be cached and you are required to send request everytime the user visits your page.
2. important If your expose is more than 30% out of AD request, you may download the image from client.
If it is less than 30%, you shall download the image just once from server and send it to client. Basically, you are supposed to load the image with AD expose. But if you load the image too often with low expose rate, it can result to heavy server cost. In this case, you will take disadvantage for using our service.
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